The Tzfas Group
Join Something Real
The Tzfas Group is a Jewish action based organization whose goal is to create productive and dynamic projects that will greatly influence the current state of Judaism.
Yesod Yosef Fund
Pure Tzedaka of Eretz Yisroel
100% of Donations go Directly to Needy Families
- No Fundraiser Commissions!
- No Salaries!
- No Administrative Overhead!
- Pure Clean Charity!
My Fire Will Burn Until Moshiach
Non Profit Prices | Free Downloads
- Official Site of the Mafitzim!
- Large Selection
- Non Profit Website!
- Discount for Institutions!
Most Ambitious Effort in History
Uniting Jews Globally Towards World Rectification
- Causes That Inspire You!
- Everyone Can do Something!
- Edge Yourself to Do More!
- Feel Accomplishment!
There is Something You Can Do
Spiritual Services to Profit Tzedaka
- Services Carried out Poor Worthy Individuals
- Dozens of Services Liloy Nishmas
- Free Memorial Profiles
- Yahrzeit Calculator & Remindors
Tikkun Klali by Tziyun Without Trip
Help Needy Breslovers Travel to Uman on R”H
- $100 Given Per Person
- 100% of Donations Distributed
- Tikkun Klali Recited for Donors by Tziyon
- Prayers by R’ Shimshon Barsky, R’ Avraham Chazan, R’ Nasson & Baal Shem Tov